

Project :

Entitled : Observatory of pesticide residues and sunflower honeydew

The project is divided into two main actions:

  •     Action 1: Study of the dynamics and performance of colonies during the sunflower honeydew (Action called sunflower honeydew). Experimentation is carried out in 3 regions (Aquitaine, Center, Midi-Pyrenees), in each of which 3 to 15 apiaries made up of 20 colonies are followed for 4 to 6 weeks.
  •      Action 2: Study of the dynamics of colonies in all types of environment, including risky environments in terms of the use of pesticides. Experimentation is carried out in three regions (Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes) in each of which 1 to 3 apiaries made up of at least 5 colonies are followed between 2 to 6 months.

Years : 2014-2016

Leaders : Cyril VIDAU et Fabrice ALLIER (ITSAP-Institute of bee)

Partners: Maryline Pioz (INRA UR 406), ADAAQ, ADAM, ADAPIC, ADAPI, ADAPRO LR, Terres Inovia

Project : BAPESA

Entitled : Epidemiological investigation of the unintended effects of the Biocides and AntiParasites products used in breeding on Bee colonies health (BAPESA)

This epidemiological study of the prospective cohort study aims to study the possible unintended effects of the antiparasitic and biocidal products used in animal husbandry on the health of Apis mellifera bee colonies. The study is carried out in two distinct geographical zones, both breeding areas (Ariège and the Crau plain). It is coordinated with stakeholder representatives (INRA, Anses, ADA France, GDS France and SNGTV). In each of these two zones, 80 colonies of bees of the same origin are implanted and followed weekly from 1 July to 30 March of the following year for two successive seasons (2015-2016 and 2016-2017). In parallel, surveys on the use of antiparasitic agents and biocides are carried out in farms located near the colonies. The objective is to evaluate the exposure of bee colonies to antiparasitic and biocidal substances and to study the possible health effects associated with them.

Years : 2015-2017

Leader : Cyril VIDAU (ITSAP-Institut de l’abeille)

Partners: Maryline Pioz (INRA UR 406), Anses, ADA France, GDS France, SNGTV

Project :

Entitled :Towards the use of naturally disease-resistant bees.

Years : 2016-2019

Fondation Perséphone

Leader : Yves Le Conte

Partners:  INRA UR406, INRA Magneraud (P.Aupinel) , BioPark d’Archamps (P. Bulet)

Project :

Entitled : Development of health assessment tools for bee colonies

Years : 2016-2019

Fondation Perséphone

Leaders : Cédric Alaux et Maryline Pioz

Partners : INRA UR406, Nottingham University (M. Bencsik), Mind technologie (H. Mugner)

Project : RISQAPI

Entitled : Spatial link between the use of pesticides and the risk of weakening bee colonies in field crops systems.

Years : 2013-2016

Leader : Mickaël Henry

Partners : UE Entomologie INRA Magneraud, CEBC CNRS Chizé, ITSAP, ACTA, ENSAIA-INRA Colmar / Univ. Lorraine L3I / Univ. La Rochelle, MNHN


Entitled :Characterization of the genetic diversity of the honeybee Apis mellifera in France.

Years : 2013-2016

Leader : Yves Le Conte

Partners : ITSAP, INRA de Toulouse et INRA de Jouy

Project : POLAPIS

Logo itsap-ada

Entitled : Optimization of pollination of a crop by honeybees and wild bees: integrated approach to livestock management and management of colonies

Years : 2013-2016

Leader : Bernard Vaissière



Entitled : Realization of the Flor Abeilles project

Years : 2014-2017

Leader : Bernard Vaissière


Entitled : Potential of green dependencies for the preservation and dispersal of wild pollinators.

Years : 2014-2016

Leader : Bernard Vaissière

Partners : French Foundation for Biodiversity

Project : APIMODEL

Entitled : Functional modeling of the activity of bee colonies to characterize thresholds of dysfunction at the scale of the apiary. Generalization from honeydew on lavender.

Years : 2013-2016

Leader : André Kretzschmar

Partner : BioSP, UR406 INRA

Project : VARROA

Entitled : Towards the use of the Varroa-hygienic behavior of the honey bee to fight against
Its main parasite Varroa destructor: development of a method to phenotype behavior.

Years : 2015-2016

Leader : Fanny Mondet

Project : Virus

Entitled : Biodiversity analysis - Towards an understanding of the pathogenicity of bee viruses: obtaining infectious clones.

Years : 2014-2016

Leader : Anne Dalmon

Contributor : UR406 : Y. Le Conte, C. Alaux

Partners : Unité de pathologie végétale (C. Desbiez, B. Moury) - UMT PraDE (J. Vallon)

Project : Interbee

Entitled :Role of virus / pesticide interactions in bee decline

Years : 2014-2016

Leader : A. Dalmon

Contributor UR406 : Y. Le Conte, C. Alaux
Partners : ANSES Sophia-Antipolis (R. Thiéry, M. Chabert-Ribière, E. Dubois)

Project : Mosar

Entitled : Methods and tools for the selection of varroa-resistant bees

Years : 2016-2019

Fonds CASDAR Technologie

Leader : ITSAP

Partners : INRA Abeilles et Environnement (F. Mondet, Y. Le Conte, D. Beslay) et GenPhyse (A. Vignal)

Project : BeeStrong

Entitled : Development of genetic markers for the selection of honeybees resistant to varroa parasitesMethods and tools for the selection of bees resistant to varroa

Years : 2016-2020

Fonds Investissements d'Avenir (PS2A)

Leader : Labogena

Partners : INRA Abeilles et Environnement (F. Mondet, Y. Le Conte), GenPhyse (A. Vignal, B. Cervin), GABI (JP. Bidanel, F. Phocas), ITSAP (B. Basso, M. Beguin, A. Decourtye)

Project : MIXTRESS (Pesticide MIXTURES and pathogen STRESSORS in the bee)

Entitled : Interactions between pathogens and mixtures of pesticides in bees (Interactions between pathogens and pesticide mixtures in the honey bee)

Years : 2016-2020 (convention signée en Mars 2016)

Funding Organization : ANR

Leader : Luc BELZUNCES, UR 406A&E

Partners :    LMGE (Laboratoire Microorganismes : Génome et Environnement)

UMR 6023 CNRS-Université Blaise Pascal-Université d’Auvergne

Clermont-Ferrand, France

Project : MIELLEES

Entitled : Mutualize automatic hive weight measurements to monitor and optimize production

Years : 2017-2020


Leader : ITSAP (F. Allier)

Partners : ITSAP, ACTA, ADAPI, ADAAQ, INRA (UR GenPhySE, UE Le Magneraud, UR 406 Abeilles et Environnement, BioSP) CEBC-CNRS, GIE Electronique et Développement, Terres Inovia,  Institut de Mathématiques-Université de Neuchâtel

Project : Affaiblissements

Entitled : Monitoring and characterization of disturbances and weakness of colonies of Apis mellifera

Years : 2015-2017


Leader : UMT (ITSAP : A. Dangléant)


Modification date: 03 June 2024 | Publication date: 06 February 2015 | By: D Beslay