Pollination and ecology of bees

Pollination and ecology of bees


Bernard Vaissière, CR

Mickaël Henry, CR

Guy Rodet, IR

Nicolas  Morison, AI

Laurent Guilbaud,  TR

Marie-Josée Buffière, TR

Stan Chabert, PhD

Clémentine Coiffait-Gombault, Post-Doc

Pollination: The theme includes four points:

Attractive factors and pollen-bee-pistil interactions

germination du pollen sur stigmate
germination du pollen sur stigmate

-Production, release and quality of pollen and nectar;
-Insect pollen shrubs and vector (species and behavior) on the viability and longevity of transported pollen.

Ecology of foraging and pollinating activity

abeilles sauvages qui butinent sur une fleur
abeilles sauvages

-Activity and behavior of foraging and consequences on pollinating activity and individual pollinating efficiency;
-Method of colony-wide foraging in social bees;
- Spatial distribution, fidelity and intraspecific and interspecific competition in the honey bee;
-Methods for the transfer of pollen (including intra-colony) and dispersion of pollen and genes.

Landscapes and diversity patterns of bees

Collection d'abeilles sauvages

-Ecology of honey bees and wild bees;
-Incidence of the structure and evolution of the landscape on the abundance and biodiversity of bees;
-Evolution of populations in relation to global changes;
-Impact of entomophilous crops and urbanization on pollinating fauna.

Pollination Service and Sustainable Agriculture

culture sous abri
culture sous abri

-Evaluation of the impact of pollinating entomofauna on yields and quality of production;
-Relations between the characteristics of pollination (phenology, intensity and quality) and the development of the yield;
-Analysis of the entomophilic pollination practices of crops under cover and in the field in relation to the environment and development of ways of improvement.

Modification date: 20 June 2023 | Publication date: 26 January 2015 | By: D Beslay