
Bees and Environment research unit

Missions and objectives

Promote the protection of bees in a context of agro-ecological transition

abeilles sauvages qui butinent sur une fleur
abeilles sauvages

Severe honey bee colony losses and the erosion of wild bee abundance and diversity are closely associated with global changes, including the intensification of agriculture, the simplification of landscapes and loss of natural habitats, the spread of pathogens and invasive species, and climate change.

The aim of the Bees and Environment research unit is to advance knowledge and promote research of innovative solutions for the protection of honey bees and the conservation of wild bees in a context of agro-ecological transition. This research project draws on multidisciplinary skills in ecology, toxicology, physiology and behavioral biology, at scales ranging from genes to landscapes.

It is organized around three lines of research:

  • Bees and pest risks: Assessing the risks associated with pathogens, parasites and predators, and testing beekeeping control methods.
  • Bees and toxicological risks: Improve the detection of toxicological risks and their assessment in bee populations.
  • Bees, resources and pollination: design and test agro-ecological practices and integrated pollination strategies to reconcile beekee.